Friday, March 12, 2010

Karma is a
many splendored thing!

As Bob Parks so eloquently pointed out, "Pardon my glee when watching someone of prominence, riding on someone else’s coattail, assumes that others must knee in reverence, and displays undo arrogance."

Mrs. Conyers, wife of Congressman John Conyers, plead guilty to bribery charges and received 3 year prison time; although now she's crawfished on that and said, "I'm just not going to jail for something I didn't do."

Yeah, right! If Martha Stewart had to do time, so should she!

If I were a judge, I would consider allowing her to have the option of being committed to a mental institution. It looks like she might have some anger and control issues.

If I were her husband, I would be thanking God the minute she's locked up!


Anonymous said...

"do it baby, do it," So even a street ho can get elected. No I am not racist I would say it if she was white and done the same thing.

Anonymous said...

When saying "up in here", was she refering to the height of her chair being higher than the other chairs?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

With such displays as this, is it any wonder when we consider the state of our country today? Not-a-good. Quit putting these jerks in office. If they're already in office, get 'em out. Just sayin'.

Anonymous said...

If you taught school you'd realize that this is typical behavior for someone with her "background".