Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Hope & Change

Let me get this straight, all the Wise County incumbents won the election except the quiet, conservative Christian who’s been doing her job for many years.

  • You want change, but make none.

  • You vote for who you know or who takes care of you; not always the best person for the job.

  • You complain about how things are, but do nothing to change the situation.

  • Although you are quick to judge someone, you don’t make morality a prerequisite for casting your vote.

  • You exercise your right to vote, but don’t exercise your obligation to know exactly who you’re voting for and what they actually stand for.

I am guilty myself, so I cannot cast the first stone. I do know we will reap what we sew sow. If I place my faith in man, I will be disappointed. If I support immorality, impropriety, dishonesty and deceitfulness, I should expect the same in return.

We no longer ask God's guidance, we just do as we want.

I find myself asking, "How's that working for ya?"


Anonymous said...

we who do not personally know these people would be greatly helped by the immorality, improprietey, dishonesty and deceitfulness insights. Otherwise we are relaying on their campaign literature.

Brown Eyed Girl

Anonymous said...

I did not vote for any of the incumbents. Rowe was the only one that won that I voted for. I've worked for Wise County for over six years. I could not tell you a thing about Fuqua.. Some times her paperwork was wrong when it was sent to my office. It appeared her office staff took this personally when I pointed it out. So go Rowe. I wanted Hawkins and Green to win. Judge Johnson is a joke. Our county spending is crazy.

Anonymous said...

I think you rip what you sew and reap what you sow

Anonymous said...

Cristy Fuqua deserved more than any incumbent to be re-elected to office. Certainly more than JP in precinct 2 or the commissioner in Precinct 4. Brenda Rowe came across as being brash and the election being about fulfilling her dream. We have elected people in office before who were going to improve customer service and it went down hill fast. She will make mistakes on her paper work that needs correction.

I worked the primary election Tuesday and was alarmed too many of the voters didn't know who were running unless it was for county commissioner or for govenor. Some walked into the precinct not knowing if they were voting Democrat or Republican. A few pitched a fit when they couldn't vote for Democrats and Republican claiming this was the very first time we had held an election when they couldn't. People are angry and want to participate in the process; however, they have a responsiblity to check out the candidates or skip over that place on the ballot.

All this proves is until voters take the time to find out about the candidates, it does not matter if incumbents are doing a good job or a bad job. That is why or county and country is in a big mess and why good people don't want to run for office.