Friday, February 26, 2010

Rambling on...

  • For the ultimate in bad taste, you can check out season two’s slideshow preview of “16 and Pregnant”. Brought to us by the ultimate in bad taste broadcasting, MTV.

  • Whitney Houston isn’t performing as well as she has in the past. A fan said it was "the worst concert I've ever gone too,".

  • If you ever wondered about a guy who used certain girl stuff, here’s the short, short list of items that should create concern of the highest order!

  • The heartwarming video of the day is a thief who gets knocked out cold by a store owner. It warms the heart!

  • If you thought you had a professor who was a jerk, you might redefine your terminology after watching this dick guy. I would have drawn blood…

  • A lesson on getting even with a greedy bank. A Moscow, Ohio homeowner bulldozes his home before he let’s the bank foreclose on it.

  • What do you get when you have a liberal accusing conservatives of being on the take? A FUNDRAISER! This is the pot calling the kettle black!

    I have never met a single Republican who is not a wholly owned subsidiary of the insurance industry. But as for me, I'm not owned by anyone.

    To prove it to the Republicans and special interest, I'm organizing 2,000 grassroots donors to stand up and show them that we won't back down, and they can't silence us.

1 comment:

mzchief said...

According to Kieran Mullen the laptop was a non-functioning plant used make an impression of not playing on laptops during lecture.