Sunday, February 7, 2010

Calling all Christians

If you want to make a real difference in someone’s life today, take a few minutes to pray for this young lady and her family. Please pray for her to be healed and thank God for answering prayer.


Anonymous said...

Done sad, reminds us as we pass through this world how fragile it is..

Anonymous said...

We held a special prayer for her in our Sunday School class this mornign at Central Fellowship. She has been in our thoughts and prayers all day. Thanks for taking the snow away, it really helps!

mzchief said...

To Denny...\
You do realize, NON-Christians have been praying to God for THOUSANDS of years prior to the advent of Christianity and Islam,right.

Even though I am a NON-Christian, I had my prayer/meditation group offer prayers for Jenny, her entire family and group of friends who are enduring what must be an unimaginably painful situation. Fortunately, there are enough of us in our group that we have been able to pray every hour on the hour for God to grant wellness and strength for everyone touched by Jenny's situation.

Denney Crane said...

I mean no disrespect to any other religious sect by not asking for their prayers.

However, it is part of my belief system that the power to answer prayer is through the name of Jesus, the Christ, Son of the true and living God.

Anyone is welcome to pray for her and I'm sure it's appreciated. I called on Christians due to my personal beliefs, as well as Jenny's family.

Thank you for your prayers and that of your group as well...

Anonymous said...

Thank you Denny, very well written.