Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Rambling on…

Carmen Electra
  • NEWS FLASH! Sarah Palin has joined Fox News as a news commentator. Keith Olbermann has someone new to hate on…

  • The Wall Street Journal reported (via Yahoo): 'A Maryland nurse accomplished two rare feats in her battle with the Internal Revenue Service: She defended herself against the agency's lawyers and won, and she got a ruling that could help tens of thousands of students deduct the cost of an M.B.A. degree on their taxes.'

    I do so love fearless, feisty American women!
  • UNBELIEVABLE! Some critics claim that the movie Avatar has a racist theme. But Harry Reid’s book doesn’t… yea, sure, whatever!

  • So what happens when Shaq falls in your lap courtside at a basketball game? If you’re a Baldwin brother, you get hugs and kisses! Get a room…

  • And for an even stranger basketball blunder , a pro isn’t exempt from moments of embarrassing failure.

  • Texas employers who have not fired or laid off their employees still get their Unemployment Insurance rate raised almost 300%. You think those businesses would be rewarded, not penalized...

1 comment:

Gia's Spot said...

ahem... Could I get the name of the store she bought that top from?(ok I really mean the Doctor)