Monday, January 4, 2010

Political Purposelessness

  • Let me get this straight. Under orders from Al Qaeda, a man attempts to detonate a bomb on an airplane over US soil and our Justice department chooses to treat him as a civilian and try him in civilian court.

    Now he has lawyered up, and they had him shut up so they can cut a deal in exchange for information.

    The longer the attorneys can hold out, the better the deal they can cut...

    I wonder how many people could die waiting on intelligence information this man could share?

    What happened to "We don't negotiate with terrorists"? Is that why we call them enemy combatants now?

    I find myself agreeing with Dick Cheney on this one!

    Some in the news media in England consider the Detroit terrorist bomber incident a failure by US intelligence worthy of Jimmy Carter's legacy.

  • So, what happens when freedom-seeking protestors take to the streets and demonstrate against their government? Iran called China who sent armored vehicles to fight the protestors.

    Why is our government not condemning China's actions? Why are we not initializing sanctions against them?

    Our politicians have their hands out, that's why! They want another loan! Or political contribution...

  • On the global warming front, 'Almost 250 children under the age of five died in a wave of intensely cold weather in Peru this July.’ Facing extinction?

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