Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Rambling on...

Ann Margaret
  • I can only imagine what it would be like to attend the World Series of Beer Pong in Las Vegas this weekend. over 800 participants last year ~ you get the picture…

  • Here’s 20 teams favored to split $50,000 in prize money…as well as catch a good buzz!

  • Some people think alcohol addiction is a problem, some drug companies want to make a profit from it with alcohol pills. Will they actually sell this poison?

  • Here are 5 ways to let a drinking buddy die from excessive alcohol consumption… don’t believe everything you’ve heard.

  • The top 15 video games of the last decade have made billions and influenced the minds and behaviors of our youth. Do you even know what they are?

    On the political scene...
  • Liberals are not happy with the President's lackadaisical attitude over last Friday's terrorist attempt. Many of them are quite angry. Much of their anger is caused by fear. You go girls!!!

  • What I find really funny, is that they finally know how conservatives feel!

  • Part of me wonders what the hell is left in Detroit worth blowing up... Now that the Union is through with the place, might as well let Al Qaeda have it for demolishion exercises. I thought the yanks wanted them GITMO grinders in their hood?!?!


Jarhead™ said...

I think Ann-Margaret may be the hottest woman ever made.

Anonymous said...
