Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Rambling on...

Daniella Cicarelli
  • The fire out at Runaway Bay on Saturday was a tragedy, yet Joe Duty found beauty in the chaos

  • Sampson Park, Texas police force make national news with their ”Tickets for Tots” program. I like their style!

  • I'm so thankful that our federal government will only allow us to be held hostage on an airplane runway for 3 hours. When the cabin is 95° and an infant is smothering, it's good to know our government cares.

  • Helping people in Pakistan by declaring war allows the men to freely sell their women in open auction. I guess this would be considered promoting capitalism…

  • Last Thursday, our President, by Executive Order exempted Interpol from American laws.

  • “An INTERPOL branch in the US now cannot be searched, it's files are not subject to legal subpoena nor discovery. If any branch of government wants to keep documents out of the hands of the court system, just hand them over to INTERPOL until the smoke clears. INTERPOL will now be able to maintain files on US citizens.”

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