Friday, November 6, 2009

Republican Representative
shows his patriotic a$$

I sure have reservations about a U.S. Congressman putting on a patriotic show for the crowd and leading them in the Pledge of Allegiance, only to forget the words. How in the hell can any patriotic American forget the words to the Pledge of Allegiance unless he doesn't say it or hear it very often? Our Constitution doesn't stand a chance! I guess he didn't consider it a very important part of his show...

Thats the kind of leader I want, one that can't even lead our own Pledge of Allegiance! And then again, it may be foreshadowing...

1 comment:

Remote Controller said...

The pledge was supposed to be the climax to his speech. Not only did he foul it up he was looking at his notes while saying it.... Tsk Tsk Republicans. Both of the ruling parties are really showing their asses anymore.