Monday, November 30, 2009

Rambling on...

Ann Hathaway
  • What happens when you marry a rich man 20 years older than you and he can’t keep his affairs quiet? Ask the Italian Prime Minister’s victimized wife; there’s pain, suffering and $65 million a year in alimony. That should help her deal with the psychological damage.

  • Hell, I might consider marrying a man for that kind of money!!! I already feel like I get screwed on a daily basis, $5.5 million a month might help make it more bearable... Yea, I know, I am no longer in denial about having manwhore tendencies!

  • I read a story about a spelunking 26 year old medical school student who died trapped in a cave in Utah. Officials have decided to leave him there and close the cave. If it were me, I would like that to be my final resting place. No family around to tell me what to do...

  • I watched an insanely fascinating movie last night that I couldn’t tear myself from. It reminded me of how happy I am when I don’t think about how sad I should be. Mozart & The Whale demonstrates how love overcomes all obstacles, no matter the physical or emotional disabilities.

  • I was reading an article Sunday that said food stamps now feeds 1 in 8 Americans and 1 in 4 children. That has to be the saddest thing I’ve read about life in the United States in a long, long time. Compliments of the U.S. government

  • When it comes to providing food, clothing and shelter for my family, I would do anything, legal or illegal, to keep my family from going hungry, living on the street or being thread bear. So would you.

  • If I was homeless and starving, I wouldn’t care if they burned the U.S. Constitution for a fire to cook what little food I scrounged up. Throughout history, food has been much more the necessity than democratic ideals; people follow the person who will feed them, that includes Satan himself.

  • Don’t be surprised when your children or grandchildren do whatever it takes to make it on their own, including dealing drugs, stealing, stripping and prostitution. We just think it can’t happen to us, hide and watch…

  • If I’m not part of the solution, I’m part of the problem. If I’m doing nothing to change the current state of America, I am helping allow its destruction. Bitching about it is not part of the solution, it just makes it easier for people to ignore me...

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