Saturday, November 21, 2009

Rambling On

~ Sarah Palin agitates men because she’s smart and women because she’s pretty… Envy is very unbecoming.

~ I'm sick of people trying to sell me her book.

~ Oprah’s going off the air…two words: good riddance

~ Oprah even sheds tears of remorse, just thinking about ending her show IN TWO YEARS! If I were doing that show for 23 years, I would be crying tears of joy, all the way to the bank. ...what a ham! Is that racist?

~ It has been recently brought to my attention that Carrie Prejean might be a "media whore", so I looked it up. Low and behold, her picture was right there in the illustrations. I also searched her photo and also found it referenced as an illustration for the term "cunt".

~ Beauty pageants are brutal. Women can be vicious. I'm sure one will abuse me over that observation.

~ Hey America, how's that hope and change working for ya?

~ Shifting gears ~ Why would God reveal His will in my life, my purpose, if He knew I was not willing to surrender and act on it? Answer: He wouldn’t…


Anonymous said...

~ Hey America, how's that hope and change working for ya?
Answer: Great!

mzchief said...

I do not dislike Palin because she is intelligent. For that matter, I do not care enough about Palin to dislike her. However, Palin is slightly less unqualified to serve as POTUS as Obama and it is lunacy that the Republicans are entertaining Palin as a possible 2012 presidential candidate. Regardless of her excuses, Palin resigned prior to fulfilling her OBLIGATION of serving the FULL term for the position of Governor of Alaska. A position for which Palin WILLINGLY sought and accepted.

The heat got too hot in the Alaskan governor's office so she cut her losses, ran and embraced other opportunities at the expense of her OBLIGATIONS. I have no interest in Palin and think she should go back home and take care of her retarded child and attempt to do a better job tending to the moral upbringing of her other daughters than she did her eldest daughter. If nothing else, perhaps Palin should take care of her own retarded, infant son, who was the result of an unplanned pregnancy, so as to show her daughters the full extent of the consequences of failing to properly use birth control.

Anonymous said...

T think calling someone a ham is racist.

Porky Pig

jarale said...

Mzchief, WTF? Usually your smarter than that. You think she's a bad mother cause her child made a mistake. Apparently you don't have children, or you have several Jesus's running around. You were not a saint, I'm am not a saint. I like to think that I'm an upstanding citizen, being a Firefighter/Paramedic for 28 years, owning my own business, paying a shitload of taxes, and not cheating on my wife. But I gotta tell ya, as a teenager, I couln't wait to jump on some hottie, smoke a little dope, partake in alcohol, and a few other misdemeaners. If I wasn't as mature/old as I am now, I think I would like to do it again. I'm thinking you must be one ugly piece of work, if someone wasn't trying to get into your pants as a teenager. Lay off the kids and lets talk about the issues, shall we.

tmike said...

Let's just hope that Okra is not setting herself to go into the political arena in 2012. That's all we need, TWO Chicago "people of color" running their socialist agendas up our keesters. Uh-oh was that racist?

RPM said...

Sarah Palin is a female version of Lonesome Rhodes in A Face in the Crowd

mzchief said...

To jarale...
I do indeed have a son and a husband of 20+ years. No, I NEVER had premarital sex but did indeed have several opportunities but maintained my virtue. Due to my husband traveling and having retained my youthful good lucks I am frequently afforded the opportunity to commit adultery. I can honestly say, I am to this day, a virtuous woman. Believe it or not, being virtuous is indeed something about which to be proud and not something impossible to attain/maintain. As for my perfect son, who is currently in dental school well on his way to becoming an oral surgeon, he is not ANYONES baby daddy. He was taught NEVER to jump on some hottie, smoke a little dope, partake in (excess) alcohol. He was taught about self-respect and personal responsibility/accountability. He was taught that his actions define who he is as a person. He was taught that it is better to be a decent person than to act like a fool/loser because acting like a fool/loser makes a person a fool/loser. Believe it or not, abstinence and virtue does not make anyone a loser/ugly it proves they are RESPONSIBLE and have integrity.

As for Palin's children and ME keeping to the issues, YOU are the one who brought up the behaviour of children and leveled a personal attack at me. Please note, I stated that Palin needed to stay home, take care of her retarded infant son who was, admitted by Palin, the result of a badly timed unplanned pregnancy. Since Palin herself failed at properly using birth control and failed to teach her eldest daughter to use birth control it makes sense that Palin should PERSONALLY take care of her own unplanned special needs/retarded infant in an effort to teach her unwed, teen mother eldest daughter and her 2 younger daughters the consequences of being careless with regard to the PRUDENT use of birth control.

I noticed you ignored my spot-on comment about Palin bailing on her OBLIGATION/RESPONSIBILITY as governor of Alaska. Hmmmm...It appears Palin has established a pattern of moving on from RESPONSIBILITY when the going gets tough. Palin ditched being governor of Alaska and mother to her children in favour of serving the whims/political asperations of Sarah Palin.

Sarah Palin is not the type of woman I envy or of whom I am jealous. Sarah Palin is the type of woman who disgusts me due to her being self-absorbed and unwilling to face and meet the needs of her children.

jarale said...

mzchief, I'm sorry. You are right, and I am wrong. Everyone should be as perfect as you. Excuse me while I go slit my wrists.

mzchief said...

To jarale...
Since, by your own admission, it's not your first time to be wrong slitting your wrist seems a wee bit extreme even for you. However, good luck and remember you don't cut across but slice deeply several times up the wrist.

jarale said...

mzchief, I think I know how to do it correctly. I've seen it a few times. Paramedic, remember? I have affected more peoples lives in a positive way then you ever will. But if it makes you feel better, keep tearing down others. I hear that it makes people with low self esteem feel better.

mzchief said...

To jarale...
Since you feel compelled to compare yourself to me and analyze the nexus of my comments....
Review your comments addressed to me and review my comments and you will note, unlike your comments, nowhere within my comments was I "tearing down others."

It is you who criticized me for my standards and having pointed out the shortcomings of Sarah Palin and the reasons why I do not respect Sarah Palin. It is you who felt compelled to compare yourself to me. Rather than attempt to psychoanalyze me, you would be much better off analyzing your own psychological health and reasons for taking personally the comments and standards held by a random stranger on the Interweb.

Two major, easily observed, differences between you and me is that I do not feel compelled to, attempt, to vilify you for having different standards than me and my family and that I have not felt compelled to level personal attacks at you. One other thing, unlike you, without verifiable data, I have NEVER felt compelled to question your contributions to society.

However, allow me to list a few of my contributions.

Taught, at no charge to the student or financial compensation to me...
100+ adult natural born U.S. citizens how to read and write English.
60+ Spanish speakers how to speak, read and write English and further assisted in preparation for citizenship exam.
100+ students PSAT/SAT exams.
150+ children/adults how to swim.

I have acquired $1,000,000+ in state/federal grants for primary and secondary schools. I have acquired and personally provided more than $2,000,000+ for trusts that have established 100+ full ride undergraduate and graduate/advanced college scholarships at public and private colleges/universities. Believe it or not, I have not accepted a single dime or required naming rights to a single scholarship or campus building or chair.

Philanthropy is my hobby due to the fact I not only believe but truly LIVE the adage, "To whom much is given, much is expected."

Regardless of how much it chaps your arse, due to the fact I live by high standards, I am, indeed, permitted to hold public officials/people who thrive on notoriety and seek my approval to the very standards by which I live and am not required to seek your permission or personal approval.

Get over me being me and get on with you being you and PERHAPS you will learn to be happy enough with yourself that you will not feel compelled to compare yourself and your life choices with a random stranger on the Interweb.

Anonymous said...

Wow, did I say all that? Amazing how you can spend that much time writing on something that apparently doesn't bother you.