Thursday, November 19, 2009

Political Psychopomps

According to, 440 fictional congressional districts received $6.4 Billion in Stimulus funds. ~ Anyone in business who signed off on this information would go to jail for fraud!

After his failed policies tripled the national debt, President 0bama warns that US debt may cause a “double-dip recession”. ~ We haven’t even started a recovery yet and we’re gonna sink twice? Thanks for the heads up, I’m glad you agree with 95% of economists; now get off you’re a$$ and stop spending!

Despite the Nov. 3 defeat of the $7 million technology bond by voters in the Bridgeport school district, the school board intends to move forward with the goal of providing more computers for students. “It will just be slower implementation ... It will come out of existing revenues." ~ Voters say no, board says yes…blessed be the name of the board…

WASHINGTON -- 'More than $98 billion in taxpayer dollars spent by government agencies was wasted, much of it on questionable claims for tax credits and Medicare benefits, representing an increase of $26 billion from the previous year.'

The Dean of Harvard Medical School thinks 0bamacare blows ~ but what the hell does he know?

1 comment:

Sensei Mitch said...

Everyone seems to have missed a very important slip in the Bridgeport school district story.

The school board said “It will just be slower implementation ... It will come out of existing revenues."

The wording seems to indicate that the government is generating some revenue...? This leads people to forget (including the school board) that they are referring to TAX revenue. An increasing number of people seem to not know that the government does not generate revenue, they take it from us.

I know this may seem anal to many but it is these subtle changes in language that empower bad government. This is why they thumb their noses at us when we don't vote the way they want!