Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Political potheads

If you think legalizing pot isn’t on the government’s agenda, look at the projected tax revenue and widespread usage of the drug. Texans smoke a lot of dope.

Okay, you work for the EPA and disagree with the climate change tax, so you make a video expressing your position and your boss says it's okay to post it on Youtube. The Whitehouse finds out and their lawyers threaten you with disciplinary action... that's what I call hope and change! Don't worry, they will threaten you next!

Mike Huckabee says, If KSM gets off, the Democratic Party is finished ! If that were true, I would send a check to his defense fund!

Make no mistake, both Republicans & Democrats want government run health care

NAACP, AFLCIO & the National Council of La Raza “will make clear that they believe the president’s $787 billion stimulus program has not gone far enough to fight unemployment.” NY Times

Joe Biden asks this question about Republicans… “we know what they’re against, but what are they for? Here’s your answer, but I it’s obvious liberals aren't interested in answers

Hey America, how are those ”gun free zones” working for ya?

“…you can’t be a right-wing party and govern the country.” Newt Gingrich. Now let me get this straight, a left wing party is currently governing the country and very unpopularly I might add. Just one question Newt? How’s that moderate party platform working for you and your RINO buddies? DICK

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