Monday, November 9, 2009

Political Poseur

According to the Congressional Budget Office the lowest cost family non-group plan under the Speaker’s bill would cost $15,000 in 2016.

Can't afford health insurance? You better find a way to pay or be prepared to go to jail criminal!

Where Were The Police? Probably too busy hunting for those nasty Christians holding Bibles across the streets from abortion slaughterhouses and homosexual events. Canadian Sentinel

Janet Napolitano On Ft. Hood Killer: “This was an individual who does not, obviously, represent the Muslim faith ”….. [Damn!] He was screaming “Allahu Akbar” Janet.

Afghanistan: Obama's Fantasy Island ~ “Obama will do the predictable next week and sign on to plans for an expanded American commitment in Afghanistan. In truth, he could not do otherwise - for three reasons. Hence, he is locked in through his own poor judgments on all three fronts: intellectual, political and military.” More at Hufpo


mzchief said...

You do realize, Rev. Jim Jones of the Peoples Temple, David Koresh of the Branch Davidian's and Raymond Jessop of the Yearning For Zion Ranch committed all their atrocities in the name of God/Jesus? I think it is fair to say not a one of those monsters truly represented Christianity. Just because some loon perverts the intention of a religion does not mean that the loon is representative of the religion. If that were the case, Christianity should have been expunged from the face of the planet based on the decades long acts of genocide/terrorism committed throughout hundreds of years during the Crusades, Inquisitions and Reformation. Oh, wait, it was indeed the leaders of the Christian religion that sanctioned the atrocities committed by Christians during the Crusades, Inquisition and Reformation.

Denney Crane said...

Sadly, I am very aware of every example you mention, and I'm not proud Christianity is associated with these events. But, anyone familiar with the teachings of Christ know these atrocities contradict Him.

From a singular act of murder, rape or theft to the mass genocide of an entire country, there are numerous reasons for the evil actions of man; religion seems to be the easiest to justify his wickedness and motivate his minions.

Men have imposed their will over others since the beginning of time. Some in the name of religion, others in the pursuit of power, control, money or just plain hate. Ego, pride and self-centeredness also motivate our corruption.

Since Cain and Abel, man has fought and killed to control his neighbor as well as his enemy. Numerous leaders throughout history have committed atrocities without religious motivation; Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Genghis Khan, Alexander the Great to name very few .

Kingdoms have used the Church to help justify their quest for gold and riches while killing or enslaving entire cultures. Man will use anything and everything to acquire wealth and control; religion is just a tool for justification.

I find it far too one-dimensional, if not biased, to blame religion for the evil actions of man. Although, I believe religion is the worst thing that ever happened to Christianity. This may be true with most deity-based belief systems, whereby man’s imperfect desires alter the true pursuit of a productive spiritual existence.