The Artificial Virginity Hymen kit, distributed by the Chinese company Gigimo, costs about $30. It is intended to help newly married women fool their husbands into believing they are virgins. Don’t those Chinese think of everything!
Bakers are a very diverse group with spelling disorders and deranged senses of humor!
If you are a statistics guru, this website was created just for you.
And then there’s always that disgustingly humorous video of some hot girl smelling her butt crack…
The Denney Crane stamp of approval. For groups and parties, this is the only place to buy fresh raw oysters or fresh steamed shrimp. You’re welcome! BTW, buy plenty, the shipping is as much as the seafood!
I have always thought that photo of Jane Russell was smokin' hawt. The thing that I find somewhat striking about the photo is, fully clothed, Jane Russell exudes more sexuality than most semi-nude models.
I agree with mzchief. Women now thinks they should peel off their clothes to be sexy but Jane Russell, Marilyn Monroe, Maureen O'hara, Betty Grable are proof that sexuality and beauty comes from the woman not the clothes they may or maynot be wearing.
oh and the pic of the little girl who is in debt is precious! Sad but true.
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