Wednesday, September 9, 2009

"Public Option", Mr. President?
Is that what you call it?

Tonight, the President will share his vision of healthcare reform; his third speech this week, and it’s Wednesday. Unfortunately, his vision, as noble and exalted as it may be, is only a mirage that will disappear and create higher unemployment and worse healthcare.

I expect the most emotional, charismatic appeal to Americans to date. I expect meaningful words fabricated for Americans who are ignorant about what’s put down on paper and how it will actually be managed.

Why are the keywords used so deceitful? As my buddy Sharky pointed out about the term “public option”, “You change the word public to government, and you will lose more than half that number [of supporters]. … This is the GOVERNMENT PLAN -- not an option.

The greatest crisis in this country today is unemployment! Why does he not focus his energies on our economy instead of these tax and spend programs. Do people not see his policies are crippling our economy? How long before liberals admit that maybe this President was a mistake?

Once again, I will listen to his empty promises, which many call “mistakes” or “miscalculations” made by his staff, not by the Congressional Budget Office. I will watch as he “gets in the face” of Americans and shoves this down America’s throat; eloquently of course.

It’s about the money, not the welfare of Americans. It’s always about the money and/or control. The same money and control that caused England to over-tax our tea and the south to succeed to save slavery.

I continue to ask: Why would Americans want to turn their healthcare over to a GROUP OF CRIMINALS? If you haven’t noticed, the majority of our federal government are under a shadow of misconduct.

But go ahead, cheer them on; support them! You condemn your children and parents as well as mine!

But, I could be wrong,
find out tonight,

Denney Crane


butters said...

Well spoken...

Anonymous said...


I don't think you could be wrong on this one.

Anonymous said...

Tax and Spend. That IS his only approach. Because he is a professional politician and he has NEVER HAD A JOB...!!!!!!!! Remember when he was appointed all of his cabinet folks and several of them kinda FORGOT TO PAY THEIR DAMN TAXES....?????!!!!!!!! These SOBs are crooks Denney and they think this is normal. They do not know any different.

He used to get to rip off his neighborhood as an organizer. Then his district. Then his state. Then he got his cut of the national pie as a senator. Now, he is the big cheese and the rip-off is shoved down our throats.

Well, he damn sure did not get to speak to my kids yesterday. And slowly but surely people are going to figure out the country got buffaloed.

Option, my ass. More like another nanny-ramming.

You know who.