Sunday, September 27, 2009

Pop term of the day:
High Crime

High Crime

A crime commited while under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. High crimes are usually fairly harmless and poorly thought out. They are met with regret or a completely loss of memory of their occurance the next day. Victims of these crimes are usually perplexed as to why they were targeted. Vandialism, theft, and verbal/physical assult are most common.

Guy: " This random guy started talking shit to me at the bar then shoved me !"

Friend: " Sounds like you were a victim of a high crime."

Homeowner: " I went outside this morning and my lawn furniture was missing!"

Officer: " I've seen alot of these, it was probably a high crime. Nothing I can do."

Unban Dictionary

1 comment:

Canadian Sentinel said...

Plenty of high crimes being commited in Washington these days, I see... I read somewhere that they all gather and get high in the White House on Wednesday nights...

What's gonna happen, the cops will bust in there and arrest the Obamacrats for possession? Yeah, right... like we're ever gonna see Barry-O get escorted out in handcuffs, followed by Billy, Hillary, Harry, Nancy, Cheech, Chong, Osama, Kim Jung-Il, the Snuffle-upagus, the Heffalump, the Great Pumpkin, the Sludge Monster and, of course, the lovely, distinguished folks from ACORN...