Friday, September 4, 2009

{Politicians in America} < Adequate

Communist flag to fly at Whitehouse this month. Do you think he will put his hand over his heart and pledge allegiance since we've already pledged our assets?

WARNING: Do not fight a liberal! They bite!

Time magazine infers Florida’s government destroying Florida? No way!

How do you enforce a health-insurance mandate? The IRS has the answer!

Pharmaceutical company settles out of court lawsuit for a record breaking $2.3 billion to US government! Who pays? In business, it’s always the consumer! Now tell me again why medicine is so expensive...

THE ICING ON THE CAKE: Senator Harry Reid wants to promote tourism by introducing the ”Travel Promotion Act of 2009”. Funding will come mainly from a $10 fee extracted from visitors as soon as they get off the airplane!
What better way to promote tourism than to tax visitors? Actually, I see an upside. More revenue should be collected by taxing upon entry instead of exit since we don't force them to leave! Give 'em tax in hell Harry!

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