Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Of Interest

Jennifer Aniston

Celebrities who whore it up on Twitter

Bodypainting fascinates me!

Which is worse, a biker wrecking a custom Harley doing a burnout or a pilot dumping his jet in the ocean?

CBS claims there are 5 healthcare promises 0bama won’t keep! Wow, who would have thought it?

Does anyone know why our President is more concerned about getting his healthcare plan passed than our troops fighting in Afghanistan?

For the intellectual who wants to know "Why Blogs Matter"


Mango's Madness said...

The guy on the bike is a complete moron!!! Why do people think that because you can afford to buy something, it makes them an expert?
This guy does not know how to ride. He is the type that gives the rest of us a bad name.


Gracious One said...

So why do we not see any men painted up, I like it, looks great just wondered if men like to get painted too? We might wonder about you if you put men on your blog though!!!