Monday, September 21, 2009

Of Interest

Emma Watson

Does scientific proof actually exist showing that women can’t drive?

Five things a man should never tell his new girlfriend.

Do women lie about a guy being too small for sex?

Groups get $1.2 million to help people become U.S. citizens.

0bama foreign policy adviser call on U.S. to shoot down Israeli jets

Austin police want the identities of online critics… they “erode public trust”. h/t Instapundit

The most horrifying torture devices in the history of man… inhumane or evil?

Who taught you to lie and call people names? Another good read…

1 comment:

Gracious One said...

Yea women don't tell the truth when it comes to penis size, why hurt someone when it's not their fault but the way they were born, women on the other hand do fix what God didn't give us maybe men should too.