Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day in the USA!

Isn’t it wonderful to live in a country that grants workers a national holiday for their labor? Especially when its unemployment rate is realistically 16%? I sometimes wonder if our government want Americans to become dependent on a government check?

What better way to buy a man’s vote than to make him dependent on federal funds on a regular basis; whether it be a paycheck, welfare, social security, unemployment, disability, food stamps or any other subsidy or social program. If my income were derived from the government, I would vote for the guy who would give me the most money. I would also politic against anyone who wanted to cut my funding.

If 9% of Americans are drawing unemployment, they will vote for just about any politician who would extend or increase their check. I know I would. I think the same can be said about most other recipients of a government subsidy, and I can’t blame them either.

When the government grows, so do loyal constituents of whatever person, group or entity responsible for their income. These are votes purchased by the taxpayer. The greater percentage of people who receive government benefits, the greater number of people who want more government funding. You don’t have to work for ACORN or Americorps to actively push for certain political candidates.

When 50% of Americans draw a government check or subsidy, nanny state politicians will dominate the government machine. This holds true on local, county and state politics, as well as on the national level.

Sadly, our children are spoiled. Hard work and sacrifice are not the path of today’s youth. Many grew up in an entitlement atmosphere; from which there is no easy escape. When mommy and daddy stop paying the bills, they look somewhere else; why not the government?

I would love to live in a Utopian society where my wants and needs were provided at no cost. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to never have to work for a living? Unfortunately, I have only heard of one place like that, and it’s not here on earth. Since none actually exists, I prefer to work for the benefit of me, my family and my country; not for the benefit of a neighbor with little or no work ethic.

I don’t know about you, but I do not want to have to depend on any government for food, clothing and shelter. I believe that those who work hard to better their standard of living shouldn’t be responsible for those people who chose not to make the same effort. The US Constitution guarantees the right to pursue happiness. It doesn’t say the government will provide it, or a better standard of living for that matter.

Liberals seem to blame poverty on the lack of education, but I don’t know anyone living in America, legally or illegally, who aren’t given the opportunity to a good education. What a person chooses to do with their life is their business, but don’t penalize hard working, tax paying Americans because others make poor choices and do not contribute to their own success.

There are great arguments for helping the poor, but I believe being poor is a choice, not a condition. For most Americans, their standard of living is based on hard work, sacrifice, setting goals, living below one’s means. Those Americans seem to be fewer and fewer as the entitlement sector grows.

I know a lot of people who want a job and don’t have a job; but I don’t know many people who want to work that haven’t found work!

God bless the American worker,

Denney Crane



Anonymous said...

Eloquently spoken...thank you.

Anonymous said...

Yes, nicely spoken. But I worked today and guess what, it's another day for me.
BTW... I think I love you!

Anonymous said...

Preach on Brutha.

Anonymous said...

Back 20 something years ago, my husband and I were both in school, working 1-2 part time jobs and caring for 2 children, one in school. We qualified for free lunches for him, as a matter of fact, my father-in-law encouraged it. I simply COULD NOT do that. I packed his lunch every day, usually a peanut butter and jelly or bolony sandwich with friut, a homemade cookie and a thermos of milk. Not bragging here, but it would have shamed me if I applyed for free lunches.
We were poor at the time, but we worked hard, got degrees, built a home, etc.
Hard work does pay off!!!

Anonymous said...

Another AMEN! Keep it comin' Denney! LOVE it!

LandShark 5150 said...

Thanks DC -- You da MAN!