Have we “…moved into the period of the Great Tribulation and soon the horrors beyond anything man has seen or done in all history will be our final lesson.”
If [with our borders it should read “when”] terrorists strike U.S. Cities with nuclear weapons, our nation will never be the same. Borders will close, detention camps will open, and 'America' will be a thing of the past.
“Tax protesters, demonstrators against government military intervention outside U.S. borders, and people who maintain weapons in their homes are also targets. Operation Trojan Horse is a program designed to learn the identity of potential opponents to martial law.” If you want to ask your government about it, here’s what you get. Here is one reason your Congressman can’t answer the question.
Did you know our military went around confiscating guns in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina? Our government believes the biggest problem during catastrophe is the American people . They send in the clergy to disarm you first!
Oh, you want to go help fellow Americans or defend your rights? Sorry, you have to get through military checkpoints first.
If you would like to sift through a page of links on martial law and America, here’s a good place to start.
If you would like to read some interesting articles from non-alarmists, let me give you a few links:Here are some facts that you don’t know about FEMA
Could Terrorism Result In A Constitutional Dictator?
If you knew me personally, you would know I am not a paranoid alarmist. I am a fairly intelligent, reasonable, charitable patriot. I will continue to pray for America, Americans, Christians and all those who are to endure immeasurable suffering. I ask you to pray as well. Compassion has never been a trait I lack. If you have ever prayed for the knowledge of His will in your life and the power to carry it out, now would be a very good time to start.
I accept the fact that this post will draw personally attacks, but I am led to post it anyway. God Bless You!
humbly awaiting re-education camp,
Denney Crane
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