Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Email of the day

This is a very, very lucky sportsman. The guy is shooting a .50 CAL. Watch the dust in front of him when he fires...

The target, a steel plate, was 1000 yards (3000 feet) away. You can hear the ping of the hit, and then the bullet comes back and hits the earmuffs on his head. The footage is amazing. You can hear the bullet as it tumbles through the air on its course back toward the shooter.. He's lucky it hit the dirt first.. He is okay, and obviously very lucky. The bullet grazed his temple.

Turn the sound up...you can hear the bullet head back. Watch in full screen to see it better... What a difference a half an inch makes!

h/t Butters


Anonymous said...

come on think about it. 1000 yards straight back. ten football fields straight back. this has the stink of fake all over it.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how long it took Willy to realize how lucky he was.

Then, to realize you have a great video of it would be awesome.

el chupacabra said...

I'm quite sure it is real but, the target wasn't 1000 meters away- probably closer to half that. Still cool and his head would have still been ripped off if it was about 4 inches to the left though.

Gracious One said...

So what did it rickoshay off of to hit him like that? Damn he must have angels watching over him. You know the women appearing on your site are pretty and sexy, just makes me jealous I guess.

Mango's Madness said...

It wasn't his time yet, just a reminder that life is short. We better enjoy every day that we get!