Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Calling the President a Liar

First, Joe Wilson was out of line when he said "You lie" during the President's speech. He broke the rules of the House and owed the President an apology.

On the flip side, he said it to his face; not behind his back! I have to respect that. The President could have responded to the outburst and prove to the nation that he wasn't lying. He could have made Wilson look ignorant, but he didn't... Wilson happened to be right.

Furthermore, when the Democratic party sat booing President Bush during his speech in the House, I thought it appalling. I felt the same way when Republicans booed President 0bama the other night. I do not believe this the time or place for our political leadership to express disapproval of our elected leader.

I believe the pot is calling the kettle black. The Democrats started this behavior, so they shouldn't cry about it when they reap what they sew! If they condemn Joe Wilson, they should condemn those mentioned below for their unpatriotic behavior as well. While they're at it, they should investigate a few other political peers for their questionable corrupt behavior...

Rep. Pete Stark calls
Bush a liar on House floor

President Bush is a liar. He betrayed Nevada and he betrayed the country. ” Harry Reid (D-NV)

Here’s what Reid said when Tim Russert challenged him on the civility of this comment: " [P]eople may not like what I said, but I said it, and I don’t back off one bit ."

"The president is a liar. Dick Cheney, the chief architect of the Big Lie, is not only a liar, he is a thief ." Maxine Waters (D-CA) Pappastax

1 comment:

el chupacabra said...

I'm pretty sure though that both Reid and Waters are both actually retarded though so I'm not sure if their words really count for much either way.