Monday, September 21, 2009

Another email from my
dear friend, David Axelrod

Subject: Got a few minutes?

Dear Friend,

Four minutes — that’s all you need to learn just what you get from health insurance reform. Take the few minutes and watch now:

or click here

The details the President outlines in this video are those that every American needs to know. No matter your political party or whether or not you have insurance, his plan for health care security and stability matters to all of us.

Millions of American citizens cannot get health insurance — and 14,000 are losing their insurance every day. If we do nothing, half of Americans under the age of 65 will lose their health insurance at some point in the next ten years.

That’s not right. Plain and simple. For Americans with insurance as well as those without it, inaction is not an option. In America, no one should go broke because they get sick.

Bottom line — health insurance reform will provide more security and stability to those who have health insurance, coverage for those who don’t, and will lower the cost of health care for our families, our businesses, and our government.

As the President says, now is the time to deliver the change we need on health care. Forward this email and make sure your family, friends and social networks take four minutes and watch this video.

Thank you,

David Axelrod
Senior Adviser to the President


Anonymous said...

If 14,000 people are losing their health care insurance every day, my bet is that is roughly how many jobs a day the current administration is doing nothing to stop from going overseas on a daily basis.

Denney Crane said...

Is it just me, or does anyone think that the idea of only taking 4 minutes to learn all I need to on the 0bama healthcare plan is adequate?

Is that how much time Congress and the President spends learning about it?

Anonymous said...

Four minutes to find out how we are going to pay for affordable health care for all the uninsured and working people who are losing their jobs is good. Now why are we hearing how in one of his speeches! Just four minutes is NOT to much to ask so we can decide if we can support it. Of course, the truth should be part of the four minute speech. And don't play word games about what is a tax on the middle class.