One of those slap your forehead moments when you realise that you've just done something incredibly stupid.
The moment when something "dawns on you" and "the penny drops.
A dohment is when you realise that you've put the baby outside and tucked the cat up in the cot for the night.
A dohment is when you wonder why the lawn isn't looking any better then notice that you haven't engaged the lawnmower blade.
I suppose that would be a synonym for "Wait, s___", no?
have done the very same thing during mowing. It takes me about three hours to mow. I had only a few strips to finish and couldn't understand why the more I mowed, the faster the grass seems to grow. That's when it hit me,,,lower the deck! My hubby has told that story to all of our friends, now they ask me if I would be interested in mowing the lawn again.
Yep,,,,you figured it,,,I'm blond.
Have a great day and thanks for the posting, it's always fun to read.
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