Thursday, August 6, 2009

Political Pondscum

I thought the primary reason for government was to protect Americans! Kalifonia ordered to release 43,000 prisoners… what do they do when they get free, they kill 17 year olds.

Whitehouse responds to protests: ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK ~ screw listening to the majority of Americans!

You don’t want to know what your Representatives think of you! But, if you have to know, here it is! “They have met the enemy and it is you!”

BUSINESS AS USUAL: The FBI reports that United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners [Union] officials “are charged with unlawfully receiving money, loans, or other things of value from contractors, in a total amount of approximately one million dollars. In exchange for the bribes, the defendants allowed and helped certain contractors t pay union members cash at below-union rates, without benefits; employ illegal aliens and non-union workers on their job sites;” Do you think they'll do any jail time?

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