Friday, August 7, 2009

Of interest...

Kalifonia city shut’s down 8 year old girl’s lemonade stand

Mother fined for spending too much time at her 5 week old baby’s casket.

How much of the $2 trillion deficit is being shipped overseas? The answer might shock you…

Nigerian Taliban behead 3 Christian pastors for refusing to convert to Islam


Mango's Madness said...

That pastor is a real Soldier for Christ. So much for that religion of peace that the empty suit adores!

Anonymous said...

She can handle my package...

el chupacabra said...

Interestingly enough as bad and awful as what happened to the Christians there in Nigeria Islamism isn't taking off there as the militants had hoped and things may turn around soon.

Same may be true in Somolia- honestly.

Let's hope and pray, but, God weren't those people brave?

Anonymous said...

Greatest. Pic. Ever.

She almost takes away the sting of crucifying christians. Aw...those Islams are just misunderstood.


Anonymous said...

What has brown done for you lately? :)