Former GITMO detainee leads fight against troops in Afghanistan. Thank you President Bush!
Dallas Woman Gunned Down Walking Home From Church ~ ~ One shouldn’t quarrel with Texas women…
College paper shows 0bama was a raving anti-American kook and the MSM waits until after the election to release it.
Wife blows MI6 chief’s cover on Facebook
Should The "M" Word Be Banned From Television?
Christians attacked at a Michigan Arabfest questions booth
I saw a midget yesterday. Man, I hate short people.
Double fake Randy Newman
Regarding the article:
Okay did you not get that he was reporting on the two organizations on campus....come on even you gotta admit you took that our of context. He was writing an article about the groups not an op-ed piece. Believe me that would of had NO impact on the election most people get the difference....Just a second, calm down, open your mind and think....
Reading which article?
I read all the articles...
What 2 organizations are you speaking of?
If it would have had no impact, why did they hold the story until now?
I interrupted the 24-hour dwarf tossing cable channel, just to read that midgets had been banned?
Remember, when midgets are outlawed, only outlaws will have midgets...
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