Saturday, June 6, 2009

Remember that $800 billion stimulus?

Graph of actual unemployment rate vs. WH prediction after stimulus

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who came up with this graph and does it show the whole picture? I bet there are another ten graphs out and about that each show different measurements. There are very many people that have no work but are not eligible for unemployment compensation thus, they are not counted on these graphs. The way I see it, with these blue eyes of mine, is none of the graphs are conclusive therefore false information comes from all sides.

At best, I think all of it is guesstimates and none of the predictors seem to factor in such things as natural disasters, or possible pandemics or wars and such.

Pretty much it looks like people who like Obama like his predictions and those who don't like him or his politics or policies like the other graphs.

I wish there was more time spent on problem solving then on predictions and political pissing contests. Maybe a way could actually be found to put people back in the work arena.

Just saying...Jolie