Friday, June 26, 2009

Of interest

Bill gives billions to save trees in other nationsthe US is going bankrupt and we are giving billions to treehuggers in other countries… wth?

$10 million for education in Cambodia? Our government is truly broken

The latest poll shows the majority of Americans are for the reduction of greenhouse gas. I wonder if they will change their mind when they get the bill?
Actually, the cap & trade bill may be the highest tax in history!
EPA Suppresses Internal Global Warming Study? To hell with the evidence, politicians want cap & trade!

0bamacare may not be good enough for the President’s own family.

Who’s funding the 0bamacare campaign?

The Supreme Court ruled Thursday, 8-1, that a 13-year-old girl’s Constitutional rights were violated when two female employees of an Arizona middle school required her to pull out her underwear and bra during a search for prescription ibuprofen pills.

Shutting down the Atlanta Tea Party

A History of Political Sex Scandals ~ good stuff

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