Sunday, June 14, 2009

Of interest

If you believe the EPA is overstepping its authority by declaring carbon dioxide a greenhouse gas, email Congress here.

Speaker Pel0si’s recently wrote “Know Your Power”. It’s not doing very well, but expected to draw large foreign purchases.

Who owns the Feder@l Reserve video? The fed is a privately owned corporation that is above any disclosure whatsoever.

There’s a bunch of pissed off Iranians in this video. I don't know that our voting system is any better...

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. This was in 2006.

Revelation 18

1 comment:

Gayle said...

That "Have you had enough" video was cleverly done, but talk about hypocrisy! There were things I didn't agree with President Bush on, but I can't find anything I agree with Obama on. There must be something, musn't there? He's appointing Czars, for heaven's sake! The man thinks he's Caesar!