Saturday, June 13, 2009

Of interest...

Conservatives attack Shep Smith for his Holocaust museum shooting remarks, call for firing ...
I wish you Republicans conservatives would stop acting like Democrats liberals! Face it, you had to think about the DHS memo when Tiller and the guard at the museum were killed. Shep just had the cahoneys to make a liberal's line of reasoning; even the staunchest conservative is guilty on ocassion. Haters come from both sides of the street!
If you believe the EPA is overstepping its authority by declaring carbon dioxide a greenhouse gas, ask the tobacco industry click here to take action.

The Letterman/Palin affair and other liberally diverse hypocrisies addressed by Zo (AlfonZo Rachel).
Great 3 minute video for racists, bigots, homophobics, religicans, libertarians and other future detainees.
More conspr@cy crap. Marines and foreign soldiers patrolling neighborhoods in Texas. Even more details during a state of martial law emergency. Like gun confiscation, habeas corpus elimination and basic rights suspension .
It made me nauseous and paranoid at times, but it may go too far. Makes me want more protection around the house.
The No. 2 Republican in the House is comparing some of President Barack 0bama's economic policies to those of Russia's prime minister and former president, Vl@dimir Putin.

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