Friday, June 12, 2009

Of interest

When Rape Fantasies Involve Conservative Women, Feminists Are Silent

Auto dealers are hefty campaign contributors… and it looks to be paying off

So far, only 80,000 signatures on the petition to stop the energy tax. You may want to take the time…

Obamaniacs, What have you’created or saved’ recently?

Who speaks for the GOP?

Offensive beyond belief? I don’t think so…

1 comment:

mzchief said...

I do not care if Letterman was really trashing 18 year old Bristol Palin rather than 14 year old Willow Palin, it was a still vulgar and despicable thing to say about a teenage girl. Leave it to a LIBERAL dirty old man like Letterman not to know the difference between a teen getting knocked up by her high school boyfriend and a teen being knocked up by a professional baseball player.

There is an EXCELLENT reason why more people are Independents than Republicans.
Limbaugh being the most recognized face of the GOP is why the GOP is DYING. There are people like me who are fiscally conservative and socially liberal who will RUN from the GOP because of conservative zealots like Limbaugh, Coulter and Hannity.

It is absolute crap that the conservative segment of the GOP has attempted to obscond with Ronald Reagan's legacy. Reagan was a MORAL man NOT a religious man which is why moderates willingly voted for Republicans. The fact Republicans spent like Democrats the past 8 years is why fiscal conservative moderates ABANDONED the GOP.

The fact Kay Bailey Hutchinson and John Cornyn voted FOR TARP after acknowledging more than 90% of the people who contacted their offices, prior to the vote, were against their voting for the TARP. Their voting for TARP is just one reason I will vote for ANYONE, regardless of their party affiliation, who runs against both of those arrogant morons. I am not alone in my feelings. Just look at the GOP's dwindling numbers.

I say, let the conservative, right wingnut zealots keep the Republican party and establish a strong third party for MODERATES!