Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Of interest

New GM Chairman of the board: “I don’t know anything about cars” …

it’s okay Ed, that’s why they picked you… the same reason they picked a 31 year old who hasn’t even graduated law school to determine the fate of 2 multi-billion dollar companies (GM & Chrysler) .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jeez...they should have hired my daughter...she graduated from law school when she was 25.

I worry more about HMO's and Insurance Companies that are controlled by people who are not doctors or health professionals.
Who was the brilliant leaders that allowed that to happen? Why would they be in control of clinics, hospitals and doctors. Seems dammed strange that they are allowed to decide what surgery and drugs and care the doctors can provide.

How many people do you suppose have died because of those money grubbing business men? I call them the New Mafia...or is it simply the Old Mafia...the Old Regime trying to hide under legit covers?

Now that is some scary crap.

What does old Newt have to say about that? Bet he's silent on that topic, eh?