Sunday, June 7, 2009

Of interest...

Study claims Christians risk rejection and discrimination for their faith ... Crucifixion and lions coming next?

The ultimate vacation cruise for the type A family . Complete with weapons!

The latest beach essentials. A ladies link.

No free fishing: Northeast's stubborn saltwater fishermen resist US registry, but it's coming ... Trust our government to charge for breathing air next... whoops, they already are!

The 'hidden homeless' in rural America...

President Bush liberated over 50,000,000 people in Iraq and Afghanistan. Today, Barack Obama may watch Hezbollah terrorists take over Lebanon.

1 comment:

Canadian Sentinel said...

Christians being discriminated against, and being rejected, for their faith?

Who knew?

Guess it's open season on folks who believe in Jesus, just as it is on folks who believe in Abraham, and in Falun Dafa... and lest we forget the poor Scientologists...

So how come we're not the ones getting our own special footbath facilities built in public places, special, exclusive-to-us-only prayer rooms, etc., etc., to help us poor, downtrodden folks feel better?