Saturday, June 20, 2009

Occasional assessments

I watched a documentary the other night on the making of "Animal House". The entire cast continually reflected on how polarizing, exciting and entertaining John Belushi was in the movie, as well as off screen.

What I didn’t know but they almost scrapped the movie because they were worried about racist overtones. John Landis decided to get Richard Pryor to give his honest opinion. He watched it and thought it was hilarious! “You white people are crazy!” They went ahead and released it…

Thinking back to shows like SNL in the late ‘70s reminds me how side-splitting it was watching the Samarai swordsman series! Dan Aykroyd’s imfamous statement, “Jane, you ignorant slut!” made me laugh for several years.

Of course, in those days as a teenager, by the time SNL came on Saturday nights I was in rare form. I wish life was that simple today.

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