Thursday, June 4, 2009

Email of the day

Cost of a bowl of soup at homeless shelter $0.00 dollars

Having Michelle Obama Serve you your soup $0.00 dollars

Snapping a picture of a homeless person who is receiving government funded meal while taking a picture of the first lady using his $500 Blackberry cell phone $$$$ Priceless


Anonymous said...

Hey.....he has to spend our money somehow.

Anonymous said...

You are dripping with racism.

You need to understand: You lost the election. And the way things are going, you right wing nut cases will NEVER have the White House again.

It's a new day. Change has come. And I absolutely love it that it drives you crazy!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Suck on it you "conservative."

LandShark 5150 said...

Dare I -- no I must, I must -- I just hope when I'm homeless I have an a address for my cell phone provider to send me a bill. Oh, thats right - You'll pay it for me.

Canadian Sentinel said...

Ain't socialism fun... for some, while the imaginary money lasts?

We Canucks made fun of that picture a couple months ago, too...

And the $500 sneakers Michelle wore to the "poor" folks' eatery proved priceless...

The 'bamas, they sure know how to live well on other peoples' money... wonder if enough folks will one day realize that that's what they're really doing, pretending to run the country while really just having a good time while they can?

Regular private-sector folks would get fired real quick for doing a poopy job and wasting the employers' money on fun stuff...

KRP said...

Wait, I'm not sure how this is "dripping with racism?" Can you please explain your statement? Because nowhere, in anything that you wrote following your statement, did you explain how it was "dripping with racism?" I'm just sayin'...if you're gonna say it, explain it.