Monday, June 8, 2009

Dear M. Steele & Republican Party,

To the Honorable Michael Steele,

Our government is out of control and I don’t believe the Republican Party is taking a stand for conservative values or condemning the current administration’s actions in regarding its obligation to the U. S. Constitution. The GOP used to be the conservative party and stand for conservative core values, but seemingly, this in no longer the case. Unless the party returns to it’s conservative roots, other conservative parties will continue to split voters from the GOP and allow the Democratic Party to keep majority control of Congress.

Why won’t you and the leaders of the Republican Party show America what is really happening to our country and provide better solutions? There should be a loud cry from the GOP about the current Congress and administration’s agenda. Each bill presented to Congress should have either Republican support or opposition.

The vast majority of Americans are having second thoughts about the change President Obama is delivering. The Republican Party has a great opportunity to inform and educate people on much better solutions than the bills Congress is passing, as long as you don’t throw money at it. However, the issues must be attacked in advance, and I mean attacked.

Average Americans don’t have much of a say in federal government any more due to special interest groups and organizations, both public and private. We know this is where Congressional leaders receive campaign contributions, future employment, stock options, ect… and it can’t continue without an implosion.

President Obama has used fear to do remarkable things. The GOP should take advantage of this tactic and let the American people know we are in grave danger of another terrorist attack if our government allows GITMO prisoners into the United States. They won’t be in prison forever. Our President is not effective in his foreign policy, which makes Americans less safe. The safety of America should be one of the top purposes of our federal government.

Americans as well as business are afraid of the current administration. It’s no real secret, but the GOP should capitalize on the fear of what they are doing: making America less safe; taking over big business; causing more unemployment; creating a failing economy; taking away our constitutional freedoms; allowing Americans to die on socialized healthcare and turning our country into a socialist nation.

The Tea Parties were not held to support the GOP, they were to let all politicians know how adamantly opposed we are for the out of control taxation and corrupting of our government. Until you get off the fence and actually stand for something, namely your core values, the Republican Party will never recover. We should be able to trust and have faith in those we elect, but Republican Party leaders are not all delivering as promised. Fight for those of us who vote for conservatives .

Kindest personal regards,

Denney Crane

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Correct. We need leaders, statesmen, not just politicians.