Tuesday, June 23, 2009

"The Day The Dollar Falls"

You think the global crisis is bad now, just wait, it can get much worse. These subtitled videos are a little slow, but they are very, very disturbing. Yes, I watched them all!
‘This is a Dutch (Netherlands) documentary from 2005. It is about a worst case scenario where speculation on the currency exchange market plus a substantial sell-off of dollars from a hedge fund cause a chain reaction in the market, the economy and the political system.’

Wonder why the most powerful politicians are traveling to Europe and the Middle East? To beg for more money to spend! Our government will be responsible for creating a New World Order by creating an implosion of the world's economy.

…the rest of the story is just as disturbing.

Part 2 of 6 Part 3 of 6
Part 4 of 6 Part 5 of 6
Part 6 of 6

Believe it or not, I'm an optimist... but I'm not stupid, nor am I afraid. I am led to prepare myself, though. I hope you are to. Personally, I believe it will be before 2013. I continually contemplate Revelation 18 when posting these damning predictions.

but, as always, I could be wrong!

Denney Crane

1 comment:

Left Coast Rebel said...

Awesome blog, just found you!