Sunday, May 31, 2009

Tiller the baby killer, murdered! Karma?

Well, now that someone killed Tiller the baby killer, I’m sure the left will blame all right wing activists for his death. This should also add fuel to the government’s fire concerning the so-called terrorist threat from far right extremist groups.

I can’t say it bothers me knowing that Dr. Tiller won’t be killing any more defenseless human lives. I hope he finds peace where he’s going…but I seriously doubt it. I would not want to stand before God if I were in his shoes; but since he probably didn’t believe in the God of the Holy Bible, that means he gets off scot-free, right?

Part of me wished that it wasn’t a Caucasian male that murdered him. The first thing that went through my mind is what would happen if the perpetrator was a member of the Black Panthers? Otherwise, I’m sure this will be considered not only murder, but a hate crime as well.

God speed, Dr. Tiller… may He have mercy on your soul… I wouldn’t!

Denney Crane

Edit: Oh my, he was killed at Church... karma really is a bitch!

Edit 2: The breaking story HERE!

Edit 3: Comments on Gateway Pundit are most interesting!

Edit 4: Just because I have no remorse from his death does not mean I agree or applaude his murder. The same 2 edged sword with the left: sympathize with Jihadists but feed Christians to the lions.

Edit 5: Dr. Tiller’s church

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