Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Stinking Thinking...

I have been assessing the claims that waterboarding is torture. After much consideration , I painfully agree with left-wingers and conclude that waterboarding is a form of torture. However, I have no problem with using torture on proven enemies if Americans are in eminent danger; but only with Presidential approval.

My opinion may be considered callous and cold-blooded, but I value innocent human life much more than the well being of a terrorist. Of course, this is in complete contradiction of my Christian beliefs which says we should love our enemy. I am far from perfect and not the best example of a Christian.

Mass murderers should be treated differently than other criminals, especially if they still pose a threat to innocent people. If they aren’t American citizens, I don’t think they should be allowed our same civil rights. I don’t think torture is a respectable procedure. I am not proud that America has used torture in the past. I do believe, in this case, the end justifies the means.

but I could be wrong,

Denney Crane


KRP said...

couldn't have said it better myself

Anonymous said...

War is Hell and what happens in War should remain under the Radar...This is Painful to say but what we did is best forgotten...trust me...its hard to sleep sometimes