Tuesday, May 19, 2009

My thoughts on healthcare reform...

...and a response from the letter I received from President Obama the other day.
First some questions...

How can politicians pass healthcare reform and fund it without a proven plan?

Why would politicians rush a bill through Congress without suffient time to study its implementation, effeciency and management?

Do you want our government legislating and controlling health care in America after witnessing what they've done with social security, medicare and the postal service.

Why would we believe this program will be transparent when the same was promised with both TARP and the Stimulus bill, but neither are transparent?
We all know what President Obama wants healthcare reform to accomplish, but there is no reasonable plan of how it would be implemented. Why would Congress give him over $600 billion without plan? My answer: It’s about the money! Take it away from the healthcare providers and the American taxpayer and put it into another government fund for dispensation; more redistribution.

How much money will the US Congress give our President to spend at his discretion? If our government had a successful track record of running efficient and effective programs, I would be willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. Regrettably, I don’t see many programs the government hasn’t screwed up; why would this be any different? This time, it will literally be a matter of life and death.

Sounds just like the stimulus bill to me. Put the money in an account and then negotiate control over healthcare providers since many will not be able to survive government intervention. I think it’s extortion of the healthcare industry, just like the tobacco, auto, banking and insurance industries. This assures politicians of campaign contributions from these companies.

Seizing control of America’s big-money business sector does not remind me of democracy or free enterprise. If we lower healthcare costs, it will also lower the quality of healthcare. Don’t take my word for it.

There's only a few more strategic sectors for the government to own/control: energy, media, transportation and healthcare. Once they control those, freedom in America, as we know, it will cease to exist.

When Italy’s Prime Minister needs a quadruple bypass, why doesn’t he use a socialized health care facility in Italy? Why did he come to America for the procedure? To make his liberal ass feel like he would live through the operation! GOD BLESS AMERICAN MEDICINE!

Get ready to make an appointment in the emergency room, stand lay down in line and take a number.

but, as always, I could be wrong,

Denney Crane

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