Monday, May 18, 2009

My disturbed thoughts...

Have you noticed the difference between the members of the city council and the members of the school board? Seems the more tax revenue generated, the more affluent the membership.

When will taxing entities stop wanting more & more money? When they have it all and we rent from them? Do they feel they have to spend all the income/tax revenue?

I believe the ACLU is the most dangerous American entity when it comes to the security of the United States. Although I agree with their fundamental principles, their agenda is detrimental to the average American. But, they make a damn good commercial!

How are politicians able to break the law and get away with it? They seem to be pros at dealing their way out of trouble. It's crazy that Americans expect our leaders to be dishonest and corrupt.

How can Israel negotiate peace while they are still being bombed ? What does President Obama think he will accomplish at the Middle Easter peace conference?

I am extremely concerned about the governments power/business grab? Scariest of all, to me, is when they own/control the media and newspapers.


LandShark 5150 said...

Yes:Never:Yes:Yes:I haven't a clue:How can Dear Leader tell them not to defend themselves:He has not a clue! Condensed for your veiwing pleasure. Sharky trying hard to be non-political!

KRP said...

I recently took an economics class that taught how government involement and regulation in the financial economy could, and usually does, critically cripple it. I mean, doesn't the government have some high paid advisors that should be telling them the same thing. Or does that mean, the Obama administration is ignoring them? Or maybe I was just asleep in that class....