Sunday, May 17, 2009

~~~ CAPITAL PUNISHMENT ~~~ this video changed my stance!

After I watched this video, I changed my stance on capital punishment.

Don't tell me I'm weak unless
you watch the whole damn video!

Here's a first! If the government wants to raise my taxes to build more prisons, I won't bitch!

Lock 'em up and throw 'em away... although execution is less expensive, I would pay more for their humane removal from society.

I'm growing weak, please pray for me... Prison might give them a chance to repent... but DON'T let them out!

If American justice let's them back in society, then execution is best for the people... no more victims!

I could be wrong,

Denney Crane


Anonymous said...

Alright, Denny.
I'm a daily follower of your blog.
32 YO male with two small children and a beautiful wife. Stout conservative who is concerned with our nation but also realize we are living for a higher purpose.
I watched the video straight through. Seen many like it before. I've got no problem whatsoever with the video. Premeditated murderers and child rapists deserve nothing less than what you saw. I have no idea what crim was committed, if any, but the big difference is this......we do it in private without 100 cameras rolling. We simply eliminate them from society behind closed doors. Should we make it more public to prevent others from committing the same crime? Probably not. Should we reform the appels process? Probably.
Bear in mind the hangings were many times more humane than what has taken place over there. A hanging is no different than a "sleeper hold" in wrestling. The blood is cut off to the brain and a person passes out in about 10 seconds. A disturbing video would have been someone hanging from their feet for hours until death over takes them. Or hanging them from their arms while people beat them with a stick. I'm sure this takes place as well. We live in a fantastic country.
You aren't getting just want our money better spent.
Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Do you think what goes on in prisons is humane?

jarale said...

some people will never repent, and will make victims of others when they get out. Murder in cold blood is something I believe someone should hang for. Killing someone on purpose who is defenseless, or killing someone while committing a crime, is inexcusable. They knew what they were doing and deserve to hang.