Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Today, President Obama acts very presidential, FINALLY!

After speaking to the CIA Monday, letting them know that he's "got their back" after releasing their classified interrogation techniques, he accepted some presidential accountability. At 11:15 AM this morning on Fox News, President Barack Obama said, "I wake up every day thinking about how to keep the American people safe and I go to bed every night worrying about keeping the American people safe. I've got a lot of other things on my plate. I've got a big banking crisis, and I've got unemployment numbers that are very high, and we've got an auto industry that needs work... "

This is the first time that I know of, our President didn't play the blame game but actually stood up and acknowledged that he has difficult problems to deal with. No matter how much I may disagree what he's doing or how he's doing it, I must applaud his decision to finally "own" our problems. Although I vehemently oppose most of his actions and policies, I believe he acted very presidential in his remarks! The skeptic in me just hopes it wasn't an act...

I'm sure there are many of you who may not agree with me on this, but I refuse to be completely intollerant so I give credit when I think it's due. In more irony, I posted the video below which was as impressive as any speech I've seen a US President deliver.

World Class Speech...by a phenom speaker,
yet a socialist Democrat...

...if our President was a conservative, I would probably follow him to the ends of the earth! Such wishful thinking reminds me of the patriotic Ronald Reagan years, but he's is RR's exact opposite. Sadly, he is being run by a liberal congress, advised by pilfering politicians and influenced by unpatriotic friends. I continue to pray for him daily.

but, as always, I could be wrong,



Anonymous said...

But, he's still a liar! He said there would be no problems for the Justice Dept folks that did the "horrible crimes" against the terrorists. But today, he's done a 180 because the far left radical fools in this country that got him elected have spoken.

This idiot will not stop until he's totally destroyed our country, whether he's doing it by acting presidential or by acting as a left wing radical!

Concerned Citizen said...

DC, I was glad to see you found the site today. I will be following up with any response I get from Senator Estes as soon as I get it.

I may also have some interesting news that might even involve the Wise County area... More to come as detail develop.

I have linked you on my site. Always glad to find another local blogger.

LandShark 5150 said...

Wonder why Mr.Cheney is in his cross hairs? Is because old Dick isn't askeered of Dear Leader. Maybe MaObama should back down on this thing since Nazi Pelosi is accountable by the Constitution to over see the acts of the V.P.
As you would say DC -- I could be wrong.