Since Hilary was unsuccessful on her trip aboad, President Obama has decided to go to London himself for the G20 Summit. He's gonna be shopping for a $10 trillion line of credit. Since no one has that much money and our government *owns them*, he may just threaten to print more...ever seen a $100,000 bill?
*If you owe the bank $100,000, they own you.
If you owe them $100,000,000, you own them.*
Such leverage is very dangerous when risking the entire world's economy. Businesses evalute risk vs reward. With the current US spending budget and government stimulus, the risk is far greater than the reward. All hope is not lost, there are two financial institutions who have preapproved the US for unlimited funds, Citigroup and Bank of America.
Hypothetically, would you loan money to Hugh Essay if he sued you and wrote off 30% of your assets? Lost money on all his cash cow businesses? Rewrote your contract? Insisted you donate to his favorite charity? Was sincere, half the time? Felt superior to everyone? Broke the law when it suited him? Was continually involved scandal? Had to watch, daily?
What if Hugh Essay was able to bankrupt you and create strife for you; your family, friends, neighbors and entire community? Had employees monitor you and your associates? Was one of the most powerful people in the world? Used his power to get his way, on a regular basis?
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