Monday, March 30, 2009

Unnecessary Humor

Russian space agency Rosksomos now accepting contemplating reservations: $25 million for first trip, $35 million for second, future trips will require much more compensation consideration. Maybe if you buy them the arctic circle or a Presidential library in Chicago. Billionauts only...


Nobel Prize for proven theory

american public IQ < plant life IQ


I’m thinking about selling paper shredders in DC. If the government continues to suppress TARP & Stimulus payouts, there's going to be a lot of paper permanently missing. I’m sure the Treasury and Federal Reserve have the stroke to erase bank records – worldwide.

Can anyone name one country on earth that has never violated a UN Resolution? How about a successful UN sanction?

1 comment:

an Donalbane said...

Guess he's not getting any frequent flier miles...