Monday, March 30, 2009

Question of the day...

THE question: Is it un-American to boycott GM and Chrysler?

I have never, ever purchased or owned a vehicle from anyone other than GM, Ford or Chrysler because I want to support the American auto industry; that’s gonna change!

Other troubling questions...

If GM can build vehicles in Mexico and Canada, why should they receive a taxpayer bailout?

Will the government force us to buy GM vehicles or just continue to force us to pay their bills?

Since redistribution of wealth is a priority of the current administration, why don't they just seize the assets of the thousands of individuals who have become multi-millionaires from dealing with GM and Chrysler?

Yea, I know I'm crazy...but I'm angry, and you should be too.



Anonymous said...

Any American Corporation ought to darn well be able to go multi-national and take advantage of cheaper labor costs in other countries...provided that they don't get to deduct those costs from their bottom line and are required to pay taxes on that money like it was raw income and get bailout money from those countries when they need it.

Anonymous said...

Look at labor costs, Union's required EPA mandates OSHA, and the list goes on and on and then ask yourself why would they not manufacture stuff in other countries. Canada has also contributed to cause as well, bet MSNBC didn't report that did they ? Yea I am pissed I'm also a GM Employee !

an Donalbane said...

It's an individual's choice.

I'm not trying to fence sit here, but the consumer should buy what he/she feels is the best value or best fits his/her needs. I've owned foreign marques when American build quality wasn't so good, and more recently have been reasonably satisfied by American made products.

In today's age of global component sourcing and multi-national assembly plants, it's a valid question as to what's an American brand versus a foreign one. Sending a message to Nardelli or Mulally (I know you didn't mention Ford and that they haven't requested assistance, and Wagoner has already stepped down from GM) by boycotting Mopar or Ford products is kind of a mental masturbation, if you'll pardon the term.

No doubt the stranglehold (h/t to the Nuge) that the UAW holds over the US auto industry has got to be relinquished. In my own industry, I know what it means to retrench.

Again, I think car and truck buyers should probably focus on getting the best vehicle at the best price, irrespective of the maker. And, as a libertarian, I would respect their rights to do just that.

Anonymous said...

Buy German. They make a damn fine car, even though Obama doesn't realize they invented it.

Anonymous said...

Vielen Dank!