Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Poor Ashley Biden

Poor Ashley Biden Was Set Up. President Obama’s new era of personal responsibility… Bob Parks

It's all his fault, he made me put that shit up my nose!


Torrey M. Spears said...

Look at the bright side, Ashley, you and Marion Barry have something in common.

Anonymous said...

Who gives a rat's ass if a girl does a little cocaine?

You Christians sleep with each other's wives, gossip, turn your back on the poor, and act like the sin of gluttony doesn't exist.

Yet, you clap your hands with glee when a young girl gets embarrassed.

Jesus is very proud of you.

Denney Crane said...

9:06 PM

It's all the Christians' fault. They aren't perfect so they're responsible for young girls snorting coke.

Unlike you suggest, I don't sleep with other's wives, gossip, turn my back on the poor...but I may go to hell for gluttony.

I could give a rat's ass if she toots coke...and I'm not happy she got embarrassed. I'm a little pissed me off she is not taking responsibility for her actions.

Big daddy is using his influence to spin the blame on someone else, screaming entrapment. It's no different than when a police officer searches your vehicle without probable cause when you drive away from a bar.

It's very simple. Blaming others for one's actions is bullshit!
Examples of people taking personal responsibility for drug use; Rush Limbaugh, Michael Phelps, Bill Clinton, Betty Ford, Al & Tipper Gore, Bill Gates, Carrie Fisher and Drew Barrymore to name a few.

But go ahead and point your finger and tell me how disappointed Jesus is with me... something I already happen to know.